Erotic Humor

A day at the spa
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Joe, an elderly single guy wanted to try something new. He saw an ad about a nudist spa and thought he’d give it a try. When Joe checked in, the receptionist who was of course buck ass naked, told him that the spa was very open minded and that people were free to have a lot of fun.

So Joe after he got to his room decided that he’d go down and relax by the pool. Down there, he found a nice comfy lounge chair and settled in. Well, he couldn’t help but notice the number of sexy young females that were parading by, and the next thing you know Joe felt that tickle between his legs. Soon he was sporting an erection that resembled a flag pole. It was at this point that a sexy young gal came by and sat down next to him. “Wow, that looks nice.” she said.  And then without another word, she straddled him and began a spirited session. Joe, of course couldn’t believe what was happening, but he wasn’t going to complain. When it was over Joe asked her what that was all about. “Well,” she replied, “at this resort when a man has an erection it’s considered an ‘invitation’ for the taking.”

With a smile on his face Joe returned to his room and relaxed until dinner. He enjoyed the meal and thought that he might go down to the sauna for a bit until it was time to retire. He did so, but unfortunately the meal had been a bit rich. So, at one point to relieve the pressure, Joe lifted up a cheek and passed a loud fart. Before he knew it, a big hairy man who was also in the sauna, grabbed him, turned him around, bent him over and proceeded to enter his backside. Joe was helpless. When the man was finished, Joe blurted out “What the hell was that all about?” The man looked at him and said “At this resort when someone farts it’s considered an ‘invitation’ for the taking.” With that Joe stumbled out of the sauna and made it back to his room.

The next morning Joe appeared at the front desk and told the receptionist that he was checking out. She asked, “We’re you unhappy with our facility?” Joe replied “No, It’s about your ‘invitation’ policy.” The receptionist said “I don’t understand.”

“Listen,” said Joe, “I’m lucky to get an erection once a week. But I fart at least twenty times a day.”

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