About Us

This site is here for one single reason: We all work hard for our money and we don’t want to waste it on someone who doesn’t deliver as promised. We are also dedicated to finding those special women who truly enjoy making the time we spend with them something special.

We need your help maintaining this site as a powerful and reliable reference tool for those who patronize erotic services on the Internet. Once you’ve had a session with a provider, we invite you to log-on and submit a review of your experience. And when you are ready for your next encounter, please drop by and see what your fellow Hobbyists have to say about the provider of your choice.

The Erotic Review does not charge members a fee to view the information on this site, especially those users who take the time to write reviews of their encounters with the ladies. However, should you choose not to review these lovely women, we do provide a low payment option to help keep TER on line. (But in order to maintain our integrity, we do not accept advertising dollars from the ladies or their agencies). In a further effort to cover our costs, we will provide a limited number of advertising slots for companies whose interests do not conflict with ours.

TER is owned by and operated by No Excuses Agents LTD. All comments, suggestions, questions or concerns regarding TER, reviews you have submitted, your membership or billing questions should be sent to [email protected].

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