Inland Empire CA

Let's get the Inland Empire added to the list of Cities to Search...
joedesert 105 Reviews 1282 reads

I posted in the Suggestions and Policy thread but I'm not getting much traction. Thought some of you would like to help give it a boost. I emailed support several times about getting the I.E. added and they always just say that the Suggestions forum is the place to make it happen... I'm including a link to the thread below. Thanks!

with a population of over 4 million in the IE its definitely could use its own review section

Knulla-du-rövhål698 reads

this board is soooo active. NOT!!! It has been a month and a half and there are only 16 treads and the first one was from the TER Admin. This and the other two Cali boards should be deleted for lack of treads and post comments.

You refugees whiners don't get on the TER City search list just because you want to, you need to earn it with volume of treads and posted comments. WHINING FIDIOTS!

LOL. Adding the Inland Empire as a searchable database makes far more sense than some of the other less populous areas that are available already. Simple as that.  

The I. E. Board will gain popularity as more people learn about it.

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