
Is 7 the new 8 in LA K land?
dantananot 12 Reviews 2696 reads

So much has changed.  You used to be able to tell the legends by an average rating between 8.6 and 8.8.  Now girls barely break 8.1.  I like tall, skinny, good ass, good gfe.  Like Rebecca, etc.  any thoughts or suggestions welcome

It does appear, to me anyway, that there are some unrighteous 7s being handed out to certain ladies that I consider to be far more than just "attractive." It's all subjective, I suppose, but I do sometimes wonder if there is an organized effort to lower the scores of certain popular k-girls. Especially when 7s, or lower, start appearing after a consistent series of 8s and 9s. This is pure speculation, of course, but it's an odd pattern to say the least.

we all have a certain "type" of look we like.  For me, it's tall and slender, so I will admit that I have given chubby girls a one-point lower score for looks on occasion.  

However, all mongers who have seen at least 15-20 Kgirls should know what constitutes good service.  With that said, there will always be outliers, fake reviews and revenge reviews, but these can often be sorted out from careful reading of the narrative.  I give more weight to reviews from guys who are consistent in their standards of what constitutes good service, even though they may judge looks a lot differently from me.  

More like LA mongers are gradually stopping to prop every single girl like they used to do..  

Just the other day, zebrazebrazebra said on another board that people have too high standards and that as long as a girl is nonugly and nonfat she should be considered "hot"

This was perhaps the lowest bar I've EVER heard for someone being hot. It made zero sense. That's the type of standards people who dislike girls rated lower, want to perpetuate.


I will never for the life will understand people wanting to give girls more biz than they actually deserve. This ain't a charity. People pay money for this.

Hard to say what "most" LA mongers do. I can only speak for myself. I don't review ladies unless they "wow" me. So my scores aren't inflated or an attempt to hype some girl who doesn't deserve it. They are, however, skewed by the fact that bad or mediocre experiences are not represented. It's pure guesswork on my part, but I think a lot of dudes take a similar approach. That may appear like some reviewers are trying to prop up every single girl, but it's definitely not the same thing. The worst you could call it is bias by omission.

So you don't review anyone who doesn't "wow" you ( and seem proud of it), and claim you only speak for yourself....  

And then you conclude that sevens are "unrighteous"? Huh? How can you relate since you yourself don't rate anyone who doesn't wow you. I don't get it.  

Help me make sense of this logic here.

Sure, I will be happy to help you make sense of it. Do you see these words in my first post? ... "This is pure speculation." ... And then do you see these words in my second post? ... "It's pure guesswork on my part."

Is that clear enough? Or shall I explain it some more?

No, it's still unclear to me.

I don't get how someone who doesn't write negative reviews, can make any conclusions about people who do.

To top it off, seven is actually a well above average score. Calling it unrighteous - unless you're not fully clear what unrighteous means, is quite far-fetched.

Just because you don't write reviews of seven lower doesmt mean people who do are writing it deliberately in some collective effort to undermine girls biz...

Whereas people who don't write public negative reviews after negative experiences, clearly care too much about the providers feelings.

Well, you're right about one thing. I do care about providers' feelings, and that is indeed why I don't write negative reviews. If a session doesn't go well, or the girl isn't hot, I just don't return for another visit.

This hobby is supposed to be fun. Hurting a lady's feelings isn't fun. You might say that means I don't care about informing my fellow mongers. To which I would say, you are wrong again. I am informing them dutifully about the great experiences I've had!

If every teacher or professor cared about a students feeling after getting a bad grade, no failing or even C-/C grade would ever be given. So what the fuck is the point of grading things then?  

Similarly, what is the whole point of producing or consuming reviews? To make a provider feel good? I think that's called an advertisement.

One more time, I asked you why you think you can say a grade of seven by another monger is "unrighteous" with no reasoning- considering you yourself don't write negative reviews - and you cannot answer it for some reason.

I answered you twice. You're just not paying attention.

And, by the way, have you visited a major university lately? Many of them do not hand out grades anymore, including most of the Ivy Leagues. I'm not arguing for or against it, I'm just saying, that's the world we live in today. Try looking around once in a while. Things have changed, man - LOL!

No, I'm paying a lot of attention.

I haven't seen an answer from you. You said you don't review negative experiences, so I asked what gives you a right to criticize others negative experiences and mention them as if they are out of the ordinary?

Just because you thought some girl is a nine, if another person thinks she's a seven, why is it "unrighteous"?  
It is their subjective opinion. They, on other hand, cannot ask you the same question because you don't have negative reviews. You don't see how this creates an imbalanced issue?  

Inability to criticize is a major problem on a review site.  

No, I haven't visited universities lately. I got my last postgrad degree more than a decade ago at this point. However, I do know UC Berkeley - one of the biggest and most renowned public univiersties round my way - still grades things. There are still weeder courses and there is no grade inflation.  

So again, what is the point of a review site if there are negative reviews and they are instead under a rug?

Dude, you're on a fuck board talking about the "integrity" of reviews. You don't see the absurdity in that?

No, I do not see any absurdity, at all.  

Reviews are the only reason this site exists. People go to this site primarily to see reviews.

It's like Yelp. Integrity of reviews is a major deal on yelp, why is that concept so absurd here?  

Is there something special about reviewing sexual services that I'm not aware of? I know it's not actually about people who provide them having female genitalia - since I see female doctors, lawyers, massage therapists and so on get critical reviews on yelp all the time about their services.  

So what is it?

I just find it hilarious that you seem to think I have an obligation to write negative reviews. How about: You review your way, and I'll review my way? And if you don't like it, you can go jump in a lake of pussy juice. How 'bout that? LOL!

I never said you're obligated to do anything. You're somehow back to square one with this circular argument.  

What I said was that it's ironic you question other people's lower scores when you refuse to give those yourself.  

Then I just shot down your attempts at justification of not grading things because of (allegedly) some universities doing it... and also your weird claim that me wanting to have review integrity on a board that specializes in reviews was absurd. Um hello?

 People wanting to have trustable reviews on a review site is somehow absurd now?

about "integrity" after admitting you have been stealing access to TER reviews.  

OK, my man, I can see that I am stuck in the Team Quirky vortex here, where up is down and down is up. So I'm going to respond to one last point and then move on. You say I can't criticize the low scores assigned by other mongers if I don't give low scores myself? Well, I also don't play quarterback for the Rams, but I can (and do) criticize Stafford when he has a bad game. There's even a term for it: "Monday morning quarterback." In fact, I've never played QB at any level, and yet I can still criticize OBs all day long. I've also never written a movie, or a movie review, but I can criticize both of those, too. Welcome to America, brutha. We value free speech here. (Most of us, anyway.)

After this post I think it's safe to say you will never qualify to be one of Rocket's minions.  Lol

Rocket has minions? Frankly, I thought no one here liked, trusted o respected him. And IMO it’s a very well deserved status.

-- Modified on 1/22/2024 8:43:56 AM

aware of, but there are guys on the other site he posts on that are dumb as a rock.  I think there may be two "followers" currently, but I could be wrong.  They might just be messing with him.  It's a start, but we all know that sooner or later they will figure out he's leading them over a cliff with the org-bashing.  Lol

-- Modified on 1/22/2024 1:08:13 PM

going to say they do not get value for their money because they see so few providers that their expectations exceed reality, so maybe if seeing Kgirls creates a financial hardship, a cheaper hobby is in order until you make more money.  

I saw my first Kgirl at age 49, but by then, I had already achieved financial security.  Those here (and there are many) that can hobby which whom they want whenever they want are much less critical of what they get for their money and much more appreciative that this opportunity even exists.  Every provider I have ever seen gave me a good orgasm.  Everything else good that happens for the money I'm paying them is icing on the cake.  

The whiners seem to be the ones who struggle to afford one girl a month and expect her to be perfect in all respects.  Maybe they should try civvie girls who they don't have to pay and see how hot they are and how great the sex is, comparatively speaking, that is, IF they have the requisite game to get civvie girls into their bed.  If not, pay the money and feel lucky to have this alternative to rubbing one out yourself.  

BTW, calling out a guy who posts here for something he wrote on another website is bad form.  If you think that is fair, then you should start by telling this board about why you got banned from another Kgirl discussion board.  

-- Modified on 1/4/2024 2:49:02 PM

This post had nothing to do with my post. Absolutely nothing.

My post was about low standards and claiming that a nonugly and nonfat girl constitutes a "hot" girl. Which is nonsense to me and a very low bar for being "hot".  

AFAIK no one here has a financial hardship. You're just attempting to change the subject. Financial hardship has nothing to do with ratings or wanting to give more money one feels the seller deserved to get.  

Yes I think it's fair to bring up people who post here and elsewhere. I would tell everyone anything that they'd want to know. I didn't get banned from any kgirl discussion boards AFAIK so you're just lying. I have nothing to hide.

There's one "amp" forum me and countless others on here have been banned  from - you can ask chunking, floorhump and other people who hang out on ter as well, which one is it. The mod there banned pretty much anyone. They banned me nine times on there but I still posted. But after people have complained about mods to the admin there, he removed the mods including the rampage psycho and reinstated all the people who have been unjustly banned there. So yeah.

would say if I brought up the other website, but at least you admitted you were banned nine times, but found a way to weasel you way back on, so good for you.  You may have been allowed back on, but the posts that got you banned are still gone, right?

Once again, it has nothing to do with my post and you just attempted to switch subject.

----off topic start----

I don't think you get it, cdl. I don't hide. I always take responsibility for my actions and always have accountability  - something that korgs/kgirls could learn.  

My usernames were rocketmanp, rocketmanII, rocketmanIII and so forth. Most of the posts I've made are still there, because it was never clear for what we got banned. At some point the crazy mod literally banned 95% of people who posted on the bay area forum. I didn't get banned at that point tho. The last username I showed you a while back with holden caulfield avatar is the same one I still use.

---off topic end----

Now can we go back to the topic on hand and maybe you can tell me whether you agree with a girl who is not fat and non ugly being equal to "hot".

Ive noticed many of a girls first couple reviews are 8 and 9.... I go see these girls and they are more like 7 and 8 and their D cup is almost always a small C.... We are surrounded by a lot of clueless graders. Maybe Ive been in the game way too long and im jaded. I will say that I dont mind the majority of guys seeking HYA'S when I love milfs like Yoco

when you have newbies that have only seen a few Kgirls creating profiles for new girls.  This is why when I review, I always correct any profile information that is wrong from the first reviewer within my own review.  We may not be able to change some things on the profile that is already there, but we can comment on what is right an what is wrong in our own reviews.  The items most often wrong are age range and, as you mentioned, cup size.  

6 and below = waste of money
7 = More or less average. not repeatable
8 = ~Top 20%, attractive, repeatable
9 = ~Top 5%, ATF considerations
10 = ~Top 1% ATF

Sounds reasonable to me. Who is a "10" in your book? ... In recent times, I mean. Not 10 or 15 years ago :)

-- Modified on 1/5/2024 3:36:37 PM

in 2009. He has never given one for service, but that may be a function of the TER reviewing requirements where certain services (anal, double, or gang-bang) had to be provided in order to qualify for a 10.  

I gave two 10s for "looks" in TER.  One in '09 and another one in '13.   "10" supposed to represent "once in a life time".   So I bent the scoring criteria a bit for my two 10s.   As far as service is concerned I have yet to find that top 1% overwhelming experience therefore none got a "10" in that department.    I am more of a looks than service guy anyhow.

Yeah, "once in a lifetime" is an interesting concept. I can't think of an example today. But if I had to choose, looking back at k-girl history, I'd give it to Kami. Unfortunately no longer in the game, as far as I know. She was a 10 in my book in lots of different categories. Not necessarily TER categories, but my own, such as: Looks, Performance, Personality, Sense of Humor, Openness, Willingness to Experiment, and a very important category -- BBBJ Speed to Climax.

I'm sure Team Weirdo would want me to say something negative about her, too, but there is literally nothing along those lines to say!

My four grading categories for service are Attitude, Enthusiasm, Skills and Menu.  Looks is a separate grade, but I consider face, body and boobs to come up with my final score.  A DDG girl will not get a 10 from me unless she has a body to match and great tits that look the correct size on her frame.  A petite girl with clown-tits will never get a 10 from me for looks.  Lol

Petite k-girl with clown tits sounds great to me! Who do you recommend? LOL!

in 2009. He has never given one for service, but that may be a function of the TER reviewing requirements where certain services (anal, double, or gang-bang) had to be provided in order to qualify for a 10.  Out of my own 400 reviews, I have given a ten 20 times for looks and 11 times for service.  I think you will find most veteran Kgirl reviewers to be somewhat conservative when it comes to giving 10's.  

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