
Real vs Fake Pics
trimix123 45 Reviews 1841 reads

What percentage of the kgirls in CGLA or GKS are using real pics?

That's just a guess! Asha K's photos are real. Verified by me and several other dudes who have given her stellar reviews over the past couple months. Cami just posted some new pics (new to me) that are real — and super hot! But, yeah, I remember the days when it was rare to find a k-girl using fake pics in LA. Now it seems to be the opposite. I don't care, as long as the pics are representative of what you see when the door opens. But the ones that are nowhere near reality? That's disappointing. And it makes booker recommendations far more important. My favorite booker has never recommended a dud, so that's what I rely on more these days, rather than all the fake AI-generated images.

Kcoyote50 reads

On top of the fake photos, there are few high profile hobbyists on other board that shill majorly for girls! Be aware of some of those dudes with high # posts that actively post on the other board; I have been burned by one of them three times. Just find a hobbyist that you trust and exchange note with him or them.

High post count or even high review count doesn't mean anything. I'd look at their reviews/reports and see - if they never have anything critical to say, they cannot *ever* be trusted. If all their review and reports are glowing and many can be interchanged with other girls - I wouldn't trust them.

Trust reviewers who are descriptive, aren't afraid to call out negatives and/or imperfections, but who also can distinguish when a real looker or service queen comes around.

Trust reviewers who err towards average being average, not 8-9 being average. Don't trust anyone who puts everyone in the 8-9 range... you will never be able to differentiate when the real 8-9 comes in. It's like boy who cried wolf.

others here.  Your sweeping generality that people putting most girls in the 8-9 range can't be trusted is a lie, and you know it.  At least once a year, starting way before you showed up here in 2020, I explained my scoring system, and as long as you know what the scores MEAN, they are completely trustworthy.  For anyone new, here it is . . . .  

7 -    Below average
8 -    Average
9 -    Above average
10 - Top 10% of all of the girls I have seen.  

It's the guys who have no definitive answer when you ask then to quantify the difference in terms of looks or service between a 6 and a 7 that raise the issue of who can be trusted.  I do this often.  I will read reviews from the same reviewer where he gave one girl a 6 and another girl a 7 and ask what the difference was.  All you will get is a vague "the 7 girl was a little bit better".  Ask HOW was she better, and you get a deflection.  I will also ask "Did you really think the girl you gave the 7 to was better than the girl you gave the 6 to 3 months ago?" and many will admit that she wasn't.  The fact that there is no consistency within the 10-point reviewing scale most guys use means we must be extra diligent in trying to determine how specific girls stack up to others.  Everybody knows what "above average", "average" and "below average" means in a Kgirl's looks and service, so my reviews are much simpler to understand and the last review I wrote is consistent with the first one I wrote many years ago.  

Since we don't know what is in the mind of other reviewers when they give a score, we sometimes have to make mental adjustments in order to get any good out of the score at all.  How many times have you read a review that is scored as a 6 or 7, but the narrative says it was a great session and he would repeat?  Then others will give an 8 and still say they would not repeat.  That's why making a sweeping declaration about who can be trusted based on SCORES is a fool's errand, and you should know better.  

I'm not misleading anyone. I simply am saying whom I think people should trust when reading real reviews that are meant as datapoints, not odes to girls business.  

One more time, I wouldnt trust anyone who gives everyone 8s and 9s. Because when a real eight or nine comes along - which isn't that often tbh - you wouldn't be able to know the difference. I wouldn't trust anyone who is never critical because this means you can't differentiate either.  

I don't care what your scale is, really. And at this point I couldn't care any less, because anyone who put a girl or org biz above legit monger reviews and truth, cannot be trusted either.  

The people who mislead are the ones who give 8-9s to every girl just for having tits and a vagina, as far as I can tell. The people who mislead can't bring themselves to write a critical review because they're concerned the girl might be upset.

I don't mislead anyone - why would I? I have no motive to mislead mongers. I tell it like it is and am not afraid to tell it like it is. I'm obviously not perfect and my evaluations might be off sometimes, but you won't catch me trying to make a girl sound better (or worse for that matter) than she actually was.

If you somehow end up in the category of people I tell others to not trust, well shit. C'est la vie.

You double down a "a fool's errand" of saying all scores in a certain range cannot be trusted.  Why am I not surprised from a guy who admittedly got banned from a website nine times.  LOL

I didn't say all scores in certain range cannot be trusted.
Pay attention.

I said anyone who gives all girls they reviewed 8s and 9s cannot be trusted. Just like anyone who cannot for whatever reason be critical cannot be trusted. Same goes for anyone who thinks giving lower scores in ter-approved range is "bаshing". Same goes for anyone who cares more about providers feelings and biz over the content and assessment of the provider - ie, the review.  


Once again you try to make it about me and question my character. This isn't about me at all. This is who I think should be trusted and I've explained why.


Me getting bаnned nine times by a lunаtic mоd on another site - a mоd who has since been thrown away by the admin of the site - has nothing to do with ANYTHING in this thread. You're just bringing it up to attack my viewpoint because you don't have any аmmo to address my actual point.

-- Modified on 1/8/2024 11:39:38 PM

on your claim, do you know of ANY reviewers that have given EVERYONE only 8's and 9's who isn't a newbie and has a decent about of reviews?  If you want to change your premise to "don't trust newbies with limited reviews who have given everyone they have seen only 8's and 9's", I would agree with you, but you said don't trust ANYONE.  What review histories have you seen where a reviewer with 50+ reviews has ONLY given 8's and 9's?

I right now don't have vip, so I can't double check. I think our "friend" mufftime would fit the bill. I will get back to you once I have it (and please don't send me vip days again, I don't want them from you) and I should have it soon.  

But I gave you a criteria I myself use. Again, I didn't say you or anyone else should agree with me. I outlined criteria that had been very good for me personally. And I've been hunting shills, unreliable reviewers and people who tend to inflate reviews for many many years on a lot of different platforms. So I have quite an experience. Once you've read, analyzed, machine learning analyzed thousands upon thousands of reviews, you become very good at determining a fake review, a shill review or a reviewer that you may trust. When someone cannot ever be critical over a span over 20+ reviews, it certainly tells me a lot. The probability of someone being a trusted reviewer tanks the more reviews the reviewer goes without being critical. Simply because of how probability theory and normal distribution works.  

One thing that you might also agree with me that shills do is they have all 8s and often all 9s for the same agency. And then to kind of appear as not all 8s and 9s they will give one or several lower reviews fot a girl from another agency or even an indy. Some advanced shills will even give a girl who is leaving "their" agency very soon and they know she isn't coming back , lower scores. All to kind of avoid easy examination by shill hunters and review gatekeepers such as myself.

is Mufftime, a guy who was called out weekly by guys who were duped by his incessant Friday Shilling of Kgirls who worked for booker M?  Was there ANYBODY in SoCal after 2009 that didn't know this already?  Seriously?  This is your example?  

Then you start your second paragraph with a walkback.  You did NOT say your post was merely your opinion.  You stated flatly that nobody should trust a reviewer who only gives 8's and 9's. However, even Mufftime gave some 7's during his tenure here, so you seem confused about your own qualifications for ignoring reviewers.  I am doubtful that you will find ANY Kgirl reviewers who only give 8's and 9's.  

"Analyzing thousands upon thousands of reviews" as you claim seems 1) impossible for a guy who has spent more time on TER without VIP than with it (how can you analyze reviews without VIP access?), and 2) a colossal waste of time for a guy who has reviewed less than one Kgirl a month on average during the four years you have been here.  VIP membership for a year costs less than one session with a Kgirl.  

Do you see the irony in trying to pass yourself off as a knowledgeable Kgirl expert and the "gatekeeper"  (Lol)  who can be trusted with the info you provide when your review history paints you as a MARGINAL hobbyist, at best?  Most of your information is second hand from other boards and other mongers.  Mongers are more likely to get their information from their contemporaries who have their own first-hand experience.  It's hard to stay up on what is going on without VIP access, coupled with seeing a lot of Kgirls yourself.  

Lastly, most Kgirl mongers want to have a good working relationship with bookers and the Kgirls.  Your constant and flagrant adversarial position with these people who are in a position to maximize our enjoyment of this hobby makes any advice you have questionable from the beginning.  Your mindset about the business destroys your cred.  The only guys that are going to take your advice are other low-volume, inexperienced, socially awkward young men who will avoid introspection like you do in trying to understand why you continually have bad experiences in this biz.  They can be your cult-followers, but don't try to sell your drivel to most mongers here who have more experience than you do and never seem to have a problem navigating the industry.  Go ahead and repeat yourself, I have no other response on this topic.  

Once again, I gave my advice. You attacked it with nonsense. Because you want to give girls biz via reviews and I don't. I want to have accurate reviews on a TER review scale  ACCURATELY representing a girl who is reviewed. I don't care about provider feeling bad (boo hoo ), their biz tanking or anything else.

The reviews are for us by us. People who grade all kgirls at 8s and 9s are not to be trusted. I gave my reasons and justifications for it. This is a review site, not "make a girl feel good" or "give a girl more biz" website.

The ability to be CRITICAL is paramount on a review site.  

This nonsense about attacking me as a marginal monger based on number of reviews and my vip is laughable. The only real reason you're attacking me so because you don't like me protesting against inflated grades and other bullshitthat creates business artificially.  

There are many people on her with far less reviews than me whose advice you have no issues with. I wonder why lol. You yourself haven't written a single review over the last year, but of course you're not a "marginal" monger.  

As far as reading reviews without vip, lol. You are aware I can read or dump reviews automatically in bulk?  


You claim I have I adversarial relationship. Sure. The one who created this adversarial relationship is the seller. By lying to customers. By manipulating customer reviews. By trying to make their product appear better than it actually is. By shills flooding boards and reviews and trying to inflate evaluations just so that the seller can get more money. By shills pretending to be mongers and shamelessly advertising girls and attacking anyone who gives them low scores. Pathetic.  

I never had an adversarial relationship with a booker, kgirl or an entity who had real or close to real pics, who didn't have shills inflating scores and treated customers well and allowed public feedback.  

But hey, you think a booker telling customers "don't give our kgirls seven or less" is perfectly fine, so what's there to talk about with you?  

A seller who prohibits critical responses and manipulates reviews to create biz, is the one initiating the adversarial relationship, not the client.  

The seller could have NOT said this nonsense and kept focus on their product instead of trying to manipulate user reviews that they have no part of. It's not their fucking lane.  

You have no respect for integrity of reviews. All you care is to not hurt a sellers feelings and give her biz. And I care about true and accurate, critical reviews that allow customers to make an informed decision.

proving or confirming my points on your very next post, especially admitting that you DO have an adversarial relationship with Kgirls, their bookers and orgs (unless they used real pics.  Name one org that has always used real pics. - Lol).  You're the gift that keeps on giving . . . .  like the jelly of the month club.  Lol

I dont really have an adversarial relationship with kgirls themselves. I review them accordingly, and no matter what grade they get from me I don't really have beef unless it's known that the girl herself is running from bad reviews. Then it's a problem.  

And as far as sellers go, I don't have any less or more adversarial relationship with sellers than with  any other biz.

You painting me as some kind of a dude who only has problem with this biz is untrue. Pretty sure I posted recently that any book seller who writes reviews for his or her book and manipulates reviews in this way, should be eviscerated and his product considered for pirating. Is it adversarial to lie to me by making up reviews like it's a real customer? Um yeah. Stay in your fucking lane and don't touch reviews or hurt customers for writing honest reviews. They aren't for seller. Never were never will be. Very simple rules for sellers. If a seller lies, they initiate adversarial relationship.  

Thiis is true for every biz. If seller don't want to have adversarial relationships, they shouldnt lie, manipulate reviews and treat customers like crap. But in your view, just because it's pussy we somehow supposed to drop to two knees and thank God for sellers existing? Nah. This isn't a motherfucking privilege, customers PAY for this.

And paying customers expect certain rights and sellers to care about customer. Not just their bottom line or zeros on the dotted line.

-- Modified on 1/16/2024 11:00:24 AM

How many times are you going to change your story?  Lol

I'm sure you are a god to the newbies on other boards who know absolutely nothing, but you should take your own advice in stay in your own lane.  The many guys here who know the business inside and out are not buying your load of crap.  You will never recover your cred after claiming you have analyzed "thousands upon thousands" of reviews, all without having VIP membership.  

I haven't changed my story a single time.  

"You will never recover your cred after claiming you have analyzed "thousands upon thousands" of reviews, all without having VIP membership.  

Lol at this. I have had vip for many,many days since I've been on ter (nearly four years now) . If I can extract 250 reviews a day, I certainly can read thousands upon thousands of reviews. Lol. Even simple arithmetic was never your forte it seems. I've even showed you my databases before but you probably forgot.

Its telling the lengths you're willing to go as to discredit me... all for saying whom I think one can trust and whom you can't trust.

I am staying in my own lane. Reviews are a customers only lane. Always have been. In no other biz have I met any fellow customers whod condone sellers manipulation of reviews to prop their own biz.  


What load of crap are people not buying? That reviews on a review site need to be critical and not essentially ad replacements? That people who rate everything 8 or 9 are not to be trusted? That many review are shill reviews to give more biz and NOT to tell a data point to a fellow customer? Lol.

Once again, your treatment of sdаg policy with their review manipulation tels me all anyone needs to know. You don't give a shit and never have given a shit about review integrity or customer treatment. And not only you condone tricking fellow mongers, you are also smug about it - When I complained about customer rights you tell me to go visit BBB. When I posted an agency policy, word for word, you got all worked up like a bitch. Ah right, you don't care about the truth. All you care is to preserve a sellers biz. Of course you wouldn't give a shit about integrity of reviews.

Of course youd claim that giving a low score is equal to "bashing" - a concept so iditoic on a review site that only a kindergartener or someone who only cares about sellers getting a certain grade, would even entertain.  

Yes, I've read thousands upon thousands of reviews. I have searched through millions of bytes of text. Youd be surprised at how persistent some people are. There are even some people who keep track of kgirls rebrand and full range of dates they spent as a rebrand.  

Some of us care about truthful and critical reviews. And some seem to only give a shit about a sellers feeling and not the voracity of reviews.

I would think they would see that as a violation of their IP but perhaps you've cleared that with them -- or perhaps they don't care enough to pay attention.

I dont know if they're on board. It's not against the ToS to read reviews. Anything that can be read in my browser can also be saved. Someone can manually copy and paste each review into a giant text file.

I heard ter has some alarm threshold so they might know when someone viewed a certain number of reviews over a certain timeframe.  

Still, I'm not monetizing, ie not making any money off my databases. I do not distribute them either. They're for private use only. What they do enable is a very robust text search, in which you can easily see copy pastes, shill reviews, and so on. I even aggregate reviews from different sites like I've shown you before.  


I found it interesting that is the part you chose to focus on, but I mean, sure. I get it. Analyzing thousands of reviews to expose shills and inflated grades is not OK in some people's eyes.  
An agency telling customers if you give our girl seven or less, you're banned though? Perfectly fine seems like. Le Sigh.

Myopic much? (Rhetorical so no response needed.)

My observation has nothing to do with review, but everything to do with claims of ethical standards in the context of someone that doesn't have any respect for others property rights. Why should a thief be viewed in better light than a liar?

And yes, you can read them when you have VIP but no where does TER grant the right to store for offline, non-VIP access. Sharing or monetizing has nothing to do with the issue.

-- Modified on 1/17/2024 2:30:09 PM

selling subscriptions to access and read reviews.  He has admitted he is stealing the access without paying like everyone else.   This is the guy who wants to hold orgs to higher ethical standards.  Got hypocrisy?    

I'll be surprised if this admission doesn't receive some consequences from TER.  

Once again. If I save a web page of a review. Or text of the review.

In your opinion this is sufficient grounds for calling it stealing if I don't have vip? And if I do have vip it's not?  

It's funny how a topic of reviews devolves into trying to find fault with my arguments in order to portray me in a certain light. No problem with calling me a thief, but no such strong words for companies that openly bully and threaten customers. But of course. Double standards. You love em so fucking much.  

You also sure do love "myopic" as a word. Such words are great though, and I use them a lot when finding shills or figuring out alises in text analysis. Even better if they're misspelled - then they have even higher entropy in context of English text and you can find this person's other writing pretty easily.

I thought we already had a poster here who incessantly searched (I mean OCD level) forum postings of others. But 250 reviews a day?

If I can extract 250 reviews a day, I certainly can read thousands upon thousands of reviews
If Rocket is extracting reviews into a database, he’s got to be violating TOS.  I would he cease and desist, then get a life before TER permanently revokes his Priority status.  Who’s to say they won’t go the route they went with a certain Politics and Religion Forum poster and just ban him outright?!

Trust me.  Honestly.  Trust my reviews. But know my perspective.  

I’m 70.  Decently presentable.  Hard-ish. Very respectful.  I only see KGirls with good reviews by reviewers who agree with my scores on KGirls we have both seen.  

I don’t expect or demand real photos.  In fact, the very few times the photos were real, I was shocked.  Imagine if the Kgirls required our photos and if they didn’t like what they saw, they didn’t book.  That alone would eliminate most of us.  Then, if we didn’t match the picture at their door, they don’t open it.  There goes the rest of us.  

The reality is the Kgirls are available and if you’re smart you can avoid disappointments by considering not only the reviews but the reviewers who match your tastes.  

I rarely have regrets. Consequently my ratings of the Kgirls I see are generally good.  

Rocket, take some deep breaths. It’s just a hobby.  Have fun and don’t take everything do seriously.  

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