
Day 10
jodycalledu 23 Reviews 4648 reads

I'll wrap up the second 5 days of this sausage fest.

"Chatting with K-girls" - is hard to do
"K-dolls vs other" - K-dolls win
"Korean kiss rooms" - They exist somewhere
"K girls in London" - Appear to be superior to the ones in the states
"How do I see a k-girl?" - no one's willing to share the secret

Still waiting on one of you k-studs to charm a k-girl into joining the forum. It appears to be a nice, safe special place.

K-sausage fest continues

You have no credibility whatsoever. Bailey is a 10 in your book? Please. If you think Bailey's looks are "once in a lifetime," then you've clearly never seen an LA k-girl before.  

These ladies are out of your league. Go troll somewhere else.

When you don't like the message, attack the messenger.  

There's not a derogatory word in my post about k-dolls. Now go play with your blocks like a good boy and let the adults have a conversation.

Can't wait for the day we have a k-doll join the forum!

No k-girl will join this discussion as long as we have morons like you here attacking the very idea of a k-girl board. Get lost.

I'm not attacking the idea of a k-girl board. I applaud the fact that TER has finally stood one up. What I'm doing is laughing at YOU. Hang out with your k-bros and enjoy yourself.

Now, let's sit back and await the arrival of the first k-girl.  

I feel like Willy Wonka, "The anticipation is great, I hope it lasts."

I'm  not a member on the Fan-boy site but I doubt many (more than 1?) K-girls participate there.  Language barrier, too busy, don't give a shit, and/or would prefer to lay low rather than play with the Fanboys when they're not on the clock.

Harpman601346 reads

Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) .  

Posted By: rpd1952
I'm  not a member on the Fan-boy site but I doubt many (more than 1?) K-girls participate there.  Language barrier, too busy, don't give a shit, and/or would prefer to lay low rather than play with the Fanboys when they're not on the clock.

You are not a member. Therefore, you have no idea WTF you are talking about. As usual.

Yeah, I don't know a thing about K-girls.  No experience what so ever. Never seen one before. Keep shilling for your site, your "breakthrough" interview and your bromancing.

Harpman601217 reads

To squander your mortgage money on them , to stiff your wife of a home in the clear and stiff the K-dolls of a tip. How responsible , generous and appreciative. You must be proud.

Keep on attacking where you  are not welcome you , however you can still lie about receiving pms fron the KD's while you are nothing but a water carrier.

Posted By: rpd1952
Yeah, I don't know a thing about K-girls.  No experience what so ever. Never seen one before. Keep shilling for your site, your "breakthrough" interview and your bromancing.

Insecure much? ... I said nothing about your knowledge of k-girls (or lack thereof). I said you are not a member of another board, therefore you have no idea WTF you are talking about when you comment on what's happening at that board. Based on your sordid past, you are making an ass of yourself ass, once again.

My sordid past? WTF are you even talking about? Might it be that I'm a monger? That's not just a past, it's a present. And you might even be one too.  

Harpo can't get over the fact that one of the booker's called me once and asked me to send him a PM asking him to take down post where he broadcast the names of like 5-6, maybe more K-girls she was booking for because she thought it made her an LE target.  He didn't have the balls to answer the pm or the decency take down the post. One of his sheep bleats I'm a liar - it never happened, booker would never call me.  But Harpy says I carry booker's water.  So maybe you need to make up your minds as to which it is so you sheep can your talking points straight.
Let's see, I haven't written a review for like 3 year, I never tip and on top of that, I don't carry on like a fan-boy.  Yeah, I sure have lot to offer the girls and their bookers.  They're probably going to take my keys away any day now.  You know - your talking point "kingdom keys."  

Anyway, gotta go now and pick up a shitload of water bottles for my next delivery.  Which do prefer - the mini-ones or regular size?  And no need to worry about the mortgage - me and the bank actually own two with a combined payment probably less than a months rent at some of those K-girl apartments.  I got a lot of equity too so no worries on the financial side. I just might be able to keep mongering a little longer.

We do enjoy our kgirls very much thank you.

Those of us in the know are very appreciative of the knowledge and commorodery from our felow brothers brenn and harpman.

Hoestly guys, why do you even waste your time with nonsnense like this?

A-holes like you and BPS are constantly pissing in the pool. Then you wonder why k-girls don't want to swim here?  

Go back to Bailey. She's your speed

Day 10 Will become day 100 and then day 1000, oh but Jodycalledu is waiting  I am sure everyone will be right there. Please just wait Jodycalledu because the K's are on there way after you called for them and if you requested it they will come running to post I am sure. Remember its Jodycalledu everyone please come running. Look at the wise words that Jodycalledu posted brenn how can we argue with such a wise poster, please Jodycalledu forgive us K-doll fans for we not know what we do but you do. How can we get in your good graces oh wise jodycalledu so we can be whole again oh wise one.

Posted By: jodycalledu
I'll wrap up the second 5 days of this sausage fest.  
 "Chatting with K-girls" - is hard to do  
 "K-dolls vs other" - K-dolls win  
 "Korean kiss rooms" - They exist somewhere  
 "K girls in London" - Appear to be superior to the ones in the states  
 "How do I see a k-girl?" - no one's willing to share the secret  
 Still waiting on one of you k-studs to charm a k-girl into joining the forum. It appears to be a nice, safe special place.  
 K-sausage fest continues

Why would the kgirls come here and deal with the bigots of TER (minus the kgirl fans of course).

Why should they?  They (the girls) their fans, and their whole model has been constantly harassed on TER.  Why should the kgirl fans bother with this ridiculous board when they are constantly harassed.

This board was moronically established for the LA Kgirl scene, which is beyond fucking stupid.  Again, why can't the kgirl fans from los angeles discuss the kgirls on the la board.  Oh yah, bigots, con artists (so called independents) run the show and couldn't handle the competition.

How many of us have seen the so called independents only to be hassled with upselling, not being on time, fake photos, poor quality of session, being supremely late, being given bullshit tasks of purchasing coffee, wine etc BEFORE showing up (and then not allowed to come in until 30 minutes or more after the agreed time).

Kfans have their own place, a place that is safe, civilized, and an oasis in the sea of bullshit that has been created here.  

Finally what has the LA board become now without the kfans?  Pretty quiet, with the "Hey In LA looking for..." posts and really that is all.

Bang up job mods, you are doing a FANTASTIC job with creating a welcoming environment and promoting the participation BY ALL members of the la scene.

(golf clap)

Kfans, let us return to our Eden and leave this joke behind once and for all.

...In your post you said:

"How many of us have seen the socalled independents only to be hassled with upselling, not being on time, fake photos, poor quality of session, being supremely late, being given bullshit tasks of purchasing coffee, wine etc BEFORE showing up (and then not allowed to come in until 30 minutes or more after the agreed time)."

You are painting all independents with a broad brush.  You haven't written a review of a single one of these "con artists."  Why don't you help your bros avoid these con artists?  Or are you just passing along bigoted rumors by K-boys?   Come on, how about just one name?

BTW, these folks were looking for Eden too.  Maybe your Eden will turn out to be similar...

BP,,,,, have you ever ran into a girl who was late or up sold or misrepresents her looks or asked for wine or rushed you out after nutting or stunk or was freshly fucked and looked like it or cancelled last minute or wrote you an email/text asking for something or talked shit about other girls or customers or of acted like she was doing you a favor or had a bad attitude,,,,should I continue?  
You have one posted review so maybe not. Maybe your lack of experience has to this point spared you from that kind of disappointment. Maybe you have seen hundreds of women and chose not to review them for some reason. Explain why you can choose not to review every encounter at the same time criticize someone else for doing the same.  
Maybe you should just STFU and mind your own business.

or even visit any ladies because he's too busy being TER's little tattle-tale hall monitor. I'm sure he's already reported your post, and mine, to the vice principal.

that was pretty funny survey of hobbying, AMP.  Yes to all of the above.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...In your post you said:

"How many of us have seen the socalled independents only to be hassled with upselling, not being on time, fake photos, poor quality of session, being supremely late, being given bullshit tasks of purchasing coffee, wine etc BEFORE showing up (and then not allowed to come in until 30 minutes or more after the agreed time)."

You are painting all independents with a broad brush.  You haven't written a review of a single one of these "con artists."  Why don't you help your bros avoid these con artists?  Or are you just passing along bigoted rumors by K-boys?   Come on, how about just one name?

BTW, these folks were looking for Eden too.  Maybe your Eden will turn out to be similar...

This is cute coming from a guy who has 1 review.  1 fucking review?!  

I freely admit, I am lazy, I do not like posting reviews and only do it when I have had an extraordinary time or seen someone that is considered to be the top of her game.

As for names... you want a name.  How about Sexy Asian Allison.  She is a real fucking jewel.

Want more names?

Posted By: jodycalledu

 Still waiting on one of you k-studs to charm a k-girl into joining the forum. It appears to be a nice, safe special place.  
 K-sausage fest continues
Wait away with your fellow sausages.  We've got 3 on the other board, why should we give a damn if they post here?

I'd rather the k-girls NOT post here. Better to keep them to ourselves. Besides, if Jodycalledu thinks Bailey is a 10, then I'm afraid his head would explode in the presence of a real k-doll!  :D

Rather than discuss the issue, you've decided to let your sexual preference turn you into a xenophobe.  

On top of that you've decided to try to make it personal. Which is kinda hilarious. You actually thought that Alexis Kim was a 10/10? You're obviously delusional and in the minority as she looks like a young boy.

Or maybe that's your thing after all.

RealityBites987 reads

To address numerous posts here....

Some of the K-girls might not know enough english to converse. (or other reasons stated in one post as to why they may not want to post). Why would they want to try if some are going to yell at them? Have you seen some trainwrecks where a girl posts and people jump on her for not speaking correct English? Do I need to say more?

Another post said a booker didn't want his ladies names up as suggestions to see. What kind of goofy crap is that? Be happy that guys are giving you good press, moron bookers.... unless they have other reasons to be wierd about it (who knows).

Jody.... of course here they want to talk about K-Girls. You did read the title of the board right? Suppose to stay on topic duh.  

And personally I think that it was a good thing to separate the boards. Yeah, some dipshits (such as myself) maybe pop over here or go on the LA board and talk about the "other" girls... but far more won't since they don't have to read on their board. Know what I mean?

And finally for all the guys who (on both boards) that complain about the others girls..... just stfu already. You haven't seen all and it is just IDIOTIC to group ALL as a certain experience with some. I have expressed my thoughts in general about K-girls. I am sure there are some great ones out there I haven't seen (I am open to it but haven't yet). Same for Indies. US guys are the problem with ASS_U_MING about all. Some girls are crap, others great. Only difference is you tend to pay more for the great ones vs price of K-girls in LA. Said awhile ago that 250$ is no different than me going to NY and paying $50 for it. Hey more power to them. Obviously K-girls like what they do or act far better (in general). No hate here.

You all give me such a headache but I am going to stick around and be the pretend mod and maybe try to get everyone to stop hating the others ESPECIALLY hating on the girls (K or Indy).

Oh wait I forgot... It is a secret on how to see K girls. The bookers are protective. Just got to aim for it and see. I know that I could. But guess what, if I posted on how I got ok (which I don't fucking know anyways), they will deny me. Long story I won't share. I didn't ask to be oked. Backchannel I guess

began, I'm also not counting on any K-girls participating here.  I've never had the impression that any would come and post and I'm at peace with the fact that they do not.  No K-girls have participated on the L.A. board before, so it's nothing new that none have posted here.  If any would like to post here and mingle, that would be fantastic.  

I'm not interested in discussing sports or transsexuals, so I don't post on those boards.

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