Media & Erotic Literature

Orson Scott Card currently resides in GSO??confused_smile
missariarocchi See my TER Reviews 2022 reads

How convenient, because I would love to discuss his novel and now film - Ender's Game, anyone read the book and/or see the movie?

In the words of escalade, your thoughts if any?

I just recently read the book and enjoyed it.  To be honest, I thought he could've gone more in depth into the character's psyche.  Additionally there were more than a few things in the book that you had to take at face value for the rest of the story to work.  More back story/history would have helped

I really wish they could have expanded the movie to show the progress happening with Peter and Valentine.  
It was a good film overall but the way they rushed it really didn't sit well with me, I'm not upset I was super excited when they announced Kingsley as part of the cast.  


Posted By: Wildcat86
I just recently read the book and enjoyed it.  To be honest, I thought he could've gone more in depth into the character's psyche.  Additionally there were more than a few things in the book that you had to take at face value for the rest of the story to work.  More back story/history would have helped.  

Read the book so long ago, I can't recall when.  I've actually read all of the related books, but none quite took hold as much as the original.

They compressed the time frame of the story a lot and maybe that was necessary.  It meant that the child actors didn't have to be quite so young and in the book started, I think Ender was only 6 or 7.  Its just hard to get child actors who can carry a role like that.  The downside is that some things really got messed up, like Bean's role.  Also, while a lot of the casting was good, they totally blew it with Bonzo Madrid.   How do you cast a character as a bully child when he is almost a foot shorter than the younger child he is bullying?  It just didn't make sense.

I think it was a tough movie to make and it was decent overall.  But, it was lacking in a basic way.  It felt too much like they were following a checklist.  Make sure we get this scene in... check.  Next obligatory scene.... check.   In doing this, they sort of lost sight of the forest for the trees.  I suspect a lot of that was just the pressure to cut the story down.  However, they still could have done a better job creating isolation that was forced on Ender and shaped a lot of his behavior.

There are a number of scenes in the books that are based in Greensboro including a scene at Yum Yum's, the hot dog place next to UNCG.

WAY before Baskin & Robbins hit town.

The hot dog thang came later on. It opened it's doors in 1906.

It's always been known more for it's ice cream but they have damn good dogs too.



Posted By: missariarocchi
How convenient, because I would love to discuss his novel and now film - Ender's Game, anyone read the book and/or see the movie?  
 In the words of escalade, your thoughts if any?

Funny, someone just gave me Ender's today, and of course I'd never even heard about the movie, so I'm looking forward to a fresh story (for me).
Also I published books this summer and I'm allowed to mention on the Media board. There's some GSO in it. Really there's everything in it, a spiritual and political There-and-Back again. Plus the hobby, of course, how our hero (me) gets in and then gets a healthy perspective about. rekstein

Thanks for letting me share. In case you have nothing good to read at home and you want to stay out of trouble.

Nicely correct usage of "pique"; I hope you do read it: not only will I earn $1.99 if you purchase it thru E Rekstein on Amazon, but dammit I crafted it as literature and darnit I need readers. Perhaps it's a page-turner. I'll check out your reviews.

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