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Wow, you are so upset ;)teeth_smile
hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 6391 reads

"There is absolutely NO Kgirl anywhere who knows which of her customers was CDL."

Thanks for your rant and endless accusations.  However this is called BAD NEWS for YOU because:

I NEVER said that anyone referred to you as CDL and all of the blah, blah, blah bully bull shit.  However there are providers and house mothers who when questioned:

"Who is the the one that makes statements like a DUMB ASS KNOW-IT-ALL"?,

It all points back to you.  That's why YOU are on the BLACK LIST.

Oh, and the hobbyist friends of yours didn't give up your CDL name out of respect for TER's rules.  Now it is possible that they could have figured out your CDL name by simply searching for your make believe number of reviews.   LOL

Don't threaten me.  Don't bitch at me.  Hey bro, you put this into the TER hobby universe daily for years with your BS.  Bad mouthing broad amounts of people, especially one's with ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, size, etc., etc., etc. is biting you in the ass.  You are being treated as you deserve--just like your blonde haired buddy.  It just takes time and patience.

If you want to get out of the hole that you have dug for yourself into you will need to reform your bad habits.  By-the-way, I am really glad that we are all having so much fun together.

everyone here is stupid.  This board actually has the highest average IQ of any TER board, IMO.  Even YOU couldn't bring it down that much.  This is the biggest attempted walk-back I have ever seen on TER.  What "house mothers" are you referring to?  I've never known a single Kgirl that worked in an org with a "house mother."  More lies that expose you as a bullshitter.  Keep it up.  You make yourself look like a moron WITHOUT any help from me.  You say it all points back to me, and yet, not a single Kgirl knows who CDL is.  Thanks for the subtle admission that all of your posts about me are bullshit, there is no chat group, and you made all of this up.  Could you come across looking any smaller or more petty than this?

The mere fact that you think girls have to be "tricked" into OTC relationships shows what a loser you are.  What you don't know is that there are literally scores of guys here who have had OTC relationships with Kgirls.  It's not that difficult, and you don't have to "fool" them.    I can only imagine that you can't even get a provider to go 5 minutes overtime, much less date you OTC.  

You like to make generalizations about things, how about some specifics?  Do you have any links to me "badmouthing"  people about ethnicity,  religion, sexual orientation, or "size" (whatever that means) in other than (1) a humorous post, or (2) someone who has attacked me ad hominem (of course I'm going to hit back)?  I doubt you have any links to back up your claims that don't fall into these two exceptions.  You are just a troll.  

Dude, you seem WAY more upset than I ever get over this stuff.  You fancy yourself some kind of avenging angel for some perceived slight in the past, but all you have accomplished is completely exposing yourself as a troll and stalker.  You have lowered yourself to the same level of BLRPOS.  Congrats on bottoming out (in more ways that one - LOL).  

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!  What is the basis for that "opinion?"  You didn't even say the usual "IMHO" because there's NOTHING "humble" about you, the biggest fucking braggart on TER.  That brings up the question - why would an anonymous jerk feel the need to brag on a fuckboard full of anonymous people?  No one knows who you are anyway, so why brag and brag and brag?  Big time feelings of inadequacy I'd say.

You also said: "You like to make generalizations about things, how about some specifics?"  I'll throw that right back at you:  
You like to make generalizations that this board actually has the highest average IQ of any TER board.  How about some specifics?  What is the basis of your opinion that K-mongers are collectively smarter than the hobbyists of any other TER board?

Posted By: BigPapasan
CDL: Big time feelings of inadequacy, I'd say.
Many, many people are saying so!!

the guys who post here, both on the boards and through PM's, compared to the same criteria from other boards where am well-known on and PM with other members.  I did say it was my opinion.  Others are free to disagree.  Do you see the irony in YOU being the board Nazi and taking offense at other people's opinions?  I think this board  currently has smarter people.  (That could change if we get an influx of Kgirl trolls like you and knobby hunter.)  That wasn't always my opinion, but with the arrival last year of many new guys from the East Coast and the Bay Area, I think the discourse here is much more intelligible overall that it was when I started posting here.  

There have always been some smart guys here, you excepted of course, but it seems we have a much larger contingent of high-IQ Kgirl fans than when this board was primarily an LA board.  The high-IQ guys from LA that were already here know who you are, so I don't think I have offended anyone.   Ironically, the K-mongers that post on the other boards tend to be the most intelligent there.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  

BTW, stalkers seem to be the lowest rung of intelligence regardless of the board.  Again, just my opinion based on years of posting here and on other sites.  If you have a differing opinion based on your vast amount of conversations with individuals here, then you are free to express it.  Maybe someone cares what YOUR opinion is on the subject, but I don't because you are not even smart enough to know this board is the wrong place for you, and that sort of makes you less-intelligent here.  You might come across as more intelligent somewhere else.  

I actually didn't intend my comment to be bait for you, but you are so invested in me that you just can't resist, can you?  You're getting a little shopworn, and I would sell you, but I don't think I actually ever received the ownership papers.  Bwahahahahahaha

Do you realize how many people that you offend when you write, "Do you see the irony in YOU being the board Nazi?"

--->This reference is vile.  
--->This is more proof that you are an Anti-Semite.  Stop  blowing your dog whistle asshole.

"Again, just my opinion based on years of posting here and on other sites."

--->Sure-there are lots of other sites that you can post on.  Q-Anon?  White Supremacy?  

Your absolute stupdity is coupled with a total lack of regard for decency.

Your mother should have been washing your mouth out when you were a little shit.  Now you are a dip shit.

He's the one always going around telling others he can post what he wants, where he wants. That's why he posts HERE when he's not even a Kgirl monger.  (You just came here because of me.)  THAT'S why its ironic that  he's being a board Nazi.  It seems you are the racist here to have even thought of this.  I'm not even anti-Seminole.  We know you are racist against Kgirls, just like he is, and when you are racist about ANYTHING, it often goes hand and hand with being racist about EVERYTHING.  I see providers of all races and nationalities, and have had real life relationships with girls of all ethnicities.  In fact, white providers is the group I have seen the fewest of.  From your review history, you look like the grand wizard of the KKK by comparison.  How vile is that?   Why not tell us what YOU have against women of other ethnicities?  Why have you never seen a Kgirl?

However, I will cop to not being perfect.  I do not see girls who are old (35 age limit for most girls, 45 for Asian), fat ( more than 115% of "normal" for a specific height and body-type), or ugly (like some of the pigs you have paid to see back when your dick still worked).  You can sue me on that if you are really offended by these limitations.  Beyond those qualifications, I love women, no matter what color they are.  

Would you buy a car from a salesman that keeps trying to switch and bait?

Well do you notice that when caught with his pants down with his disgusting racist comments, he switches the subject in his reply?  No he won't apologize for his Nazi comment.  Instead he goes back to his rhetoric making accusations that are baseless, just like his orange blonde haired friend.  He's even pulling the "sue me" card out, just like his orange blonde haired friend.  

No worries.  He hasn't lost any friends because HE DOESNT HAVE ANY FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE.

Its just him in a one room efficiency apartment in the wrong part of Anaheim.  His only "pussy" is a cat that smells.  So does his apartment.  We all know that he should spend some of his tip money that he gets from bagging groceries at Albertsons on cat litter.  Instead its cases of COSTCO beer.

The whistle is blown back on you.  Take back your vile comments.

Why does Hobby even post here? His only motivation seems to be an odd obsession with CDL…

a guy so obsessed with another man before?  This is the kind of behavior that keeps courts in business issuing retraining orders in the civvie world.  Lol    The stalking is prima facie evidence of a severe mental disorder.  If everyone here puts him on ignore, he will be posting in a complete vacuum.  Someone on the GD board told him to just put me on ignore.  I agreed with the guy.  Its better for everyone on the board for both of us to have each other on ignore, but I think he's too obsessed.  Mental illness is a terrible thing when its uncontrollable like this.  I don't think he even realizes that after reading his obsessive posts, there is not a provider around that will see him.  I have providers asking me in PM, "Who is this guy?  Did you run over his dog or what?"   You can't explain looney.  

Real men stand up and are accountable.  You are a wimp and when caught you make up alternative stories and pile on the lies.  

you don't know any indi providers.  You only write reviews for agency girls, period.  you have no relationships except a couple of the "base" that love to band together to protect the extreme anger of the movement.

Our team is busting you each and every time that you lie or attack someone, period.  Behave like an adult and you will not hear from us.  We're not optimistic that you can do it.  We don't think that you are capable of not adding flames and rhetoric even when you have any of us on permanent ignore.  You have bragged that you have done so to each of us time after time.  Its clear that you love pain.  Not just the garden variety from your cuck.  You love public humiliation.  Maybe its time to try new meds?

You show your true colors, supporting recklessness:
Careless over caring for hobbyists and this community.

There are others that stand up to CDL.  Its my turn in the rotation and your douche bag buddy has been pissing all over the truth.

You can confirm that you will change back to normalcy, and if not you will be treated accordingly.  The choice is your's.  

that you are back on ignore, permanently.  You have been cancelled.  You cease to exist for me.  Now you can GFY.  

If he is back on ignore permenantly, then how did you know to reply to him?

Taling out of both sides of your mouth at the same time:  A CDL signature.  

You cancelled him?  PURE BULL SHIT.  He ceases to exist for you?  If that's the case then how did you reply to him?

We were going to tell you to GFY.  However our group of hobbyists and K-Girls decided that we're going to turn things up a notch,  because your FALSE NARRATIVES could hurt a new hobbyist.

So when you return to your favorite K-house--one of the girls real BF will be there waiting for you.  You will know him because he is YOUR FAV CUCK and will bring a baseball bat to teach CDL some etiquette.

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