Politics and Religion

Maher: “ DeSantis Wasn't Wrong, But We’re So Tribal Now That The Left Will Overlook Child F--king
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Maher goes after wokeism, Drag Queen Story hours, Nickelodeon, Disney and tribalism in a great monologue:

"DeSantis wasn't wrong, but we’re so tribal now that the Left will overlook child f--king if the guy from the wrong party calls it out."

RespectfulRobert19 reads

But let me ask. Why is it you never link to him when he is making a dead on accurate point about Trump or the Republican Party and their hypocrisy? I like Maher because he has no scared cows and is wiling to stick it to anybody he thinks is a hypocrite, unlike your side where its defend Rs and Trump at all costs regardless how stupid or hypocritical he/they are.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: I happen to agree with Maher on this.
But let me ask. Why is it you never link to him when he is making a dead on accurate point about Trump or the Republican Party and their hypocrisy? I like Maher because he has no scared cows and is wiling to stick it to anybody he thinks is a hypocrite, unlike your side where its defend Rs and Trump at all costs regardless how stupid or hypocritical he/they are.
Your upset we don’t attack trump more?  

Let me explain this to ya nice and slow.  

The Trump track record vs the Biden track record shows Trump pulled this country out of a significant economic slump and greatly improved said economy, helped make the US energy independent, defeated ISIS, who Obama let grow buck wild out of control. THEN as soon as they were defeated he got the fuck out and started no NEW wars! Trump kept Putin at bay and it took a world wide pandemic to undo his presidency. One of his last acts as president helped protect the environment in a way NO ONE wants to acknowledge or talk about.

Biden on the other hand 🤨 from day one has completely fucked things up. Energy independence? GONE in the name of bullshit climate science. He swallowed wokeisum hook line and sinker. Embraced trans lunacy in a way that is just insane. Opened the border and that boys and girls is going to change the course of American history NOT for the better! 🙄 Out of spite he changed out the state department personnel and ambassador to afghnastan sealing the fate of the country and then the pull out was a complete shit show that was 5000% his fault. This emboldened Putin to invade the rest of Ukraine. He failed to enforce the in place sanctions (read lifted) on Iran allowing them to grow out of control. This causing the insanity in Israel and the rest of the Middle East.  

I could go on…

So in short your belief that the right is obsessed with Trump is complete BS! Most people who are in favor of Trump are so Becuse the alternative (Biden Harris) is

 S O  F U C K I N G   B A D  

It boggles the mind.

Yet you want more Biden Harris… do you not?

Robert just couldn’t help himself. He had to go off on a racist rant against Trump. Not even the abuse of the young could keep him from his racist rants.

I don’t have HBO, and haven’t looked into where I might find his show streaming. But even if I did watch Bill regularly, I’m not so sure I would just post up Trump criticisms. There are enough libs here doing that to provide the balance you seem to be looking for. A better question might be to the libs here as to why they don’t post up Maher content. Unfortunately, most of them seem more interested in posting ad hominem attacks against the conservatives here, sans one who would probably just cut and paste an entire Quiet On Set transcript paired with a link to a story about Truth Social’s stock price. You seem to be the only lib here capable of posting anything reasonable and intelligent.

RespectfulRobert23 reads

Willy astonishingly calls me a racist lol, and the other two defend Trump at all costs, completely proving my point. But I appreciate your reasoned approach and your compliment. It may be my bias, but it does seem the Progressives here are much more willing to criticize stupid shit from our side e.g. "defund the police" or are quite willing to tell Joe to step down if need be. I dont see that from your side at all really. It's just a bunch of Sean Hannity-isms morning, noon and night.  
We have two people running for office that shouldn't be. That if they really cared about the country, they would step down. I have called for Joe, as much as I like him, to step down multiple times. I never see anyone on your side in this forum call for what so many of Trumps cabinet and once inner circle have called for i.e. Trumps withdrawal. It just seems it is always Trump first, country second.

Willy called you a racist, and it’s a joke. In another thread he criticized BigPapasan for his rant against Orange Man. We get called racist when we criticize Black politicians, so why not place the race card when libs criticize orange ones?  You’re correct that Lost and Follow are passionate Trump supporters and Biden detractors. But look through the vitriol and you’ll see they are willing to engage on substantive points.

I agree with you that we would be better off if those two weren’t running, and I spent time yesterday working to get RFK Jr on the ballot in Maryland. Will be interesting to see how the election actually plays out, but I’m thinking Trump is likely to win this time around.

because Trump is orange??  TER's Official White Knight is now also a mentalist, reading willy's mind to interpret willy's "joke" and guessing what willy meant.  There's an old saying: "If you have to explain a joke, it's not funny."

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: CKS is 'splainin' willy calling me a racist...
because Trump is orange??  TER's Official White Knight is now also a mentalist, reading willy's mind to interpret willy's "joke" and guessing what willy meant.  There's an old saying: "If you have to explain a joke, it's not funny."
We all got it! It's pretty obvious actually. I guess if it needs an explanation you have no sense of humor.

The joke went over BigPapasan’s head, and he wants to blame Trump…

Big Pig might as well join the Klan at this point with his endless racist diatribes against Trump. Calling him orange. Jesus fucking Christ. Could you possibly get more racist?

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Look at your fellow Rs comments in this thread.
Willy astonishingly calls me a racist lol, and the other two defend Trump at all costs, completely proving my point. But I appreciate your reasoned approach and your compliment. It may be my bias, but it does seem the Progressives here are much more willing to criticize stupid shit from our side e.g. "defund the police" or are quite willing to tell Joe to step down if need be. I dont see that from your side at all really. It's just a bunch of Sean Hannity-isms morning, noon and night.  
 We have two people running for office that shouldn't be. That if they really cared about the country, they would step down. I have called for Joe, as much as I like him, to step down multiple times. I never see anyone on your side in this forum call for what so many of Trumps cabinet and once inner circle have called for i.e. Trumps withdrawal. It just seems it is always Trump first, country second.
You're willing to call out your side for "stupid shit" as you say? Ok, what are some of these things you would term as "stupid shit?"  

Call for Trump to step down? that's like saying Joe should step down. either of them stepping down willingly? It's in the realm of possible but not probable and to quantify that level of probability... Again I have a better chance of getting my hands on Margot Robbies personal cell phone number, THEN actually calling her and making friends...  

It's a bonfire of the vanities and egos actually.  

The whole reason we have Donald Trump is Obama pissed him off at the white house correspondents' dinner.  


Where we sit now is 5000%, your side's fault.

...they don’t post up Greg Gutfeld (or any righty comic) negative content about Trump.  I'll tell you why - because righty media does not have ANY negative content about Trump.  Righties are snowflakes living in their right wing media cocoon of only good news about Trump.  Never is heard a discouraging word about Trump and righty skies are not cloudy all day.

OTOH, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel ALWAYS make jokes about BOTH Trump and Biden.  Lefties aren't butt hurt by jokes about Biden like snowflake righties are by Trump jokes.

Here's another Maher joke from the same show:
"The trial is really wearing on Donald Trump.  He has to sit there for hours without saying anything...kinda like he did on January 6."

Posted By: BigPapasan
Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel ALWAYS make jokes about BOTH Trump and Biden.  Lefties aren't butt hurt by jokes
The three of them make jokes about Biden 🤣🤣🤣

Lefties aren’t butt hurt by jokes 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣

Oh my god please Stop it hurts!  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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