Sports Talk

Too early for football? Go G men!regular_smile
lorshafantasy See my TER Reviews 26664 reads

It is never too early to talk football!

I'm REALLY excited about my Giants this upcoming season. Our defensive front is as good as it gets, and we should have just enough offense to have a chance at the SB again this year. Any other Giant fans out there?


~ Lorsha

followme26535 reads

Huge GIANTS fan here.

I thought sure they would win BirthdayBowl last season ( the Super Bowl was on my birthday in 2009)
Anyway I'm looking for them to be playing on 2/7/2010

XLIV = 4

Tusayan26528 reads

It's never too early for football.  There are four seasons every year:  regular season football, post-season, draft season and pre-season.

While it's baseball season now, and the Yanks made it six consecutive tonight, never too early to get revved for football.  Go Big Blue!

I believe Eli Manning isn't a winner.  The Super Bowl season was a fluke and all the stars were aligned.  If the Giants go all the way, it will be in spite of Eli, not because of him.

Take him for what he is. "Many" qb's would love a ring because of a fluke ...

He has his pros and his cons, but he is a solid "above average" quarterback who has NEVER had much of a receiving core ... remember that ...


~ Lorsha

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