Sports Talk

The sky is falling, the sky is falling
GaGambler 1336 reads

I just heard on the news that the "big dance", the NCAA National Basketball Tournament is going to be held in basically EMPTY arenas, NO FANS are going to be in attendance.

I was on the fence about really following the tournament this year anyhow, but this seals it. It's springtime and I am going to use the time I usually waste watching BB this time of year either fucking more or playing golf.  

How many of you still plan on doing brackets, watching the games or otherwise making a big deal out of the tournament this year?

Both the NBA and NHL suspend their seasons as well. I'm sure MLB will be impacted also.

This is like something out of a movie, but it's real.

GaGambler260 reads

I honestly don't know if I believe this whole "the sky is falling, Corona is going to kill millions of people" is rea, but the fallout most certainly is.  

Personally, I have lived through Hong Kong flu, SARS, MERS, Swine flu, bird flu, 9-11, Y2K, all of which were touted as the "end of the world" as we know it, and I am NOT particularly worried about catching or dying from Corona. BUT there is no denying the financial and lifestyle impact to the entire world, yes that part at least is very real.

TheVoiceOfReason258 reads

I have never been so bored in my life.  No sports at all.  Can't play, can't watch live, and none on TV.  They just keep showing these bullshit greatest games ever crap.  Because there is nothing going on Coronavirus is the only game in town.  Sooooo tired of watching that crap.  # of deaths.  NYC.  This is nuts.  

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