Suggestion and Policy

Improved, time-bounded review metrics?
chunking 90 Reviews 908 reads

Yes, there are the "Top Providers" and "Top Reviewers" , but since the metrics go back to the "beginning of time";  it's skewed by long-departed reviewers discussing long-departed providers.

What I'd like to see is metrics, bounded by your review search criteria, bounded by time (last x days).

It has been suggested to use "moving averages" for individual Profiles. E.g., "Slender" morphing into "Athletic" morphing into "A few extra pounds" over time. Or services expanding or contracting over time.  
Your suggestion applies to the Top lists. I'd like to maintain access to historical info for use in forum discussions. "Do you remember that guy from 2003? He's still on the Top list. Try to beat THAT!" Your suggestion does not rule that out. I wonder if TER has the programming ability to make a slider of some sort, so the user can set a window on the timeline:
2000^....................................................................^present | All years
2000.................................^...................................^present | -5 years to present
2000.................................^..............^.....................present | -5 years to -3 years
OR your suggestion just to enter dates in data field on a form (manual version of a slider).  Either way, or any other way, I think the main block is the programming ability on the TER side. The databases are kind of old and have gone through incremental changes over time. Any new feature runs the risk of breaking the whole thing.

Posted By: chunking

Yes, there are the "Top Providers" and "Top Reviewers" , but since the metrics go back to the "beginning of time";  it's skewed by long-departed reviewers discussing long-departed providers.  
 What I'd like to see is metrics, bounded by your review search criteria, bounded by time (last x days).
Having suggestions like yours on the "To Do" list gives them stuff to think about for any major future re-write / upgrade.

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