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Providers with notes
useyrhead 4 Reviews 3326 reads

From a programming viewpoint, it’s pretty simple to add some sort of symbol in search results to show that you have saved notes for specific providers.  

TER already shows a symbol for providers you have designated as “Favorite”. It would also be a great help to those of us who use the TER reviews and have made notes for future reference. If we did a search and a provider for whom we had made notes had a little notes symbol next to her name, it would be very useful, I think.  

Or am I the only one who thinks this would be helpful?

I think that when you "Favorite" a Profile, two (redundant) things happen: (a) the "Add to Favorites" link disappears from the left side margin options (Add , Report, Link, ... becomes just Report, Link, ...) AND (b) a star * appears after the Provider's name at the top of the page.
I don't add notes, so I am asking: Does anything happen to the "Add Notes" link in the left side margin? Does it change from "Add Notes" to "Edit Notes" or anything like that?  
Each left margin item has an icon associated with it:
(Star) Add to Favorites
(Arrow) Report a Problem
(Note) Add Notes
If the software knows to pop the "Star" icon up to the Provider's name, why not also pop the "Note" icon up there if the note data field isn't blank?  
Do you also want a Note indicator on your List of Favorites page or can "we" just do one thing at a time. My concern is that even small changes to code can have devastating unintended consequences.

Posted By: useyrhead

From a programming viewpoint, it’s pretty simple to add some sort of symbol in search results to show that you have saved notes for specific providers.  
 TER already shows a symbol for providers you have designated as “Favorite”. It would also be a great help to those of us who use the TER reviews and have made notes for future reference. If we did a search and a provider for whom we had made notes had a little notes symbol next to her name, it would be very useful, I think.  
 Or am I the only one who thinks this would be helpful?

Is TER now storing the notes people write or is that just to let you know you should be looking wherever you store your private notes?

The notes are on TER servers. Pick any Profile. On the left hand column / margin, it goes:
Rating ###
Looks ### / Performance ###
Chemistry ###
Location #
    Add To Favorites
    Report A Problem
    Link to this Review
    Claim my profile
    Add Notes
Cost of Service  
Add to Favorites on down are hot links. "Add Notes" opens up a text box.  Type and Save and the Notes will appear above her Profile info in the Profile frame.

Posted By: 36363jensen
Re: Where do the notes reside?
Is TER now storing the notes people write or is that just to let you know you should be looking wherever you store your private notes?

and clearly I don't LOL

Agree, that should be relatively simple and rather low cost to implement so perhaps if enough voted for it you might get some attention. Then again....

For me more like the Favorites button -- I don't use it because I already know who my favorites are and where to find them so...

But good to know it's there if I ever felt the need.

I started using notes on provider profiles quite a bit since the return of TER to the masses.  Most of my notes remind me what I am interested in or what would deter me that might not be so obvious, points to reviews that I may forget are BS, points to reviews that I believe among many that I know are inflated or fake, reminders that stats are incorrect, conflicting info, info I confirmed myself, BSCness that I may have identified, and other things of that nature.  Being able to see a symbol next to names that I forget to favorite purely to make my notes stand out would be great.

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