Suggestion and Policy

Suggestion on reviews of existing providers
Bukkpass 81 Reviews 1958 reads

I like the approach of not making hobbyists re-input all of the fields for a review (height, cup size, etc etc).  But sometimes there are elements of the profile that I might not agree with. Would be great to have the option to input those changes.

It's been a while since I tried, but the pre-loaded fields used to be editable (changeable). Isn't that still the case?  
OTOH, if you are saying that your changes do not take effect immediately, that has always been the case. Only TER can change the data in the "final" (or current final = viewable) Profile. Otherwise, anyone could go in and mess things up, like a hacker messing up wikipedia articles.
HOWEVER -- and I hope that someone or even TER will comment -- it is my belief that it is important and useful to submit new, updated Profile info with your review anyway. It is my belief that TER can review those "hidden" changes on an ongoing basis and use trending data to make an official change in the Profile.
E.g., if the original Profile says CIM = no, and the next reviewer tries to change it to CIM = yes, it would be unfair to the Provider IF not true for all and corroborated as such. (Angry client: "But your Profile says Yes. Scammer! Liar!")  However, if the most recent review submissions went: (oldest) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (newest) then TER has a basis for making the change in the current, viewable Profile.  
Please keep entering updated Profile info even if it doesn't show up as a "final" change right away.  Thank you.

Posted By: Bukkpass

I like the approach of not making hobbyists re-input all of the fields for a review (height, cup size, etc etc).  But sometimes there are elements of the profile that I might not agree with. Would be great to have the option to input those changes.

and don't hold you breath waiting for that to happen either.

Usually, I just take issue in my review with any aspect of their profile that I strongly disagree with.

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