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Is it wrong to be insulted when..
WANDERER59 8 Reviews 20013 reads

Is it wrong to be insulted when my sex partner will not swollow.  I find it very offensive when a lady will not either allow me to ejaculate in her mouth or spits it out.  These are deal breakers for me in terms of continuing a relationship.  Am I to harsh?

you shouldn't

I used to swallow my bf's and have this aftertaste that was horrible.

let her spit it out. at least she is giving you a bj where many wives won't

Love Goddess21938 reads

My dear Wanderer59, it is neither right or wrong to be insulted. These are your feelings, and you need to communicate them calmly and securely to the person who is not willing to swallow. But ask yourself WHY she's not willing to. Maybe she finds your taste very offensive? I once dined on a very nice guy, only to find that he had eaten something with MSG. Well, suffice it to say that I've never had worse tasting semen in my entire life. I gagged and literally let go all over his pristine body. Of course I apologized and we sorted the matter out. But if your lady friend has very sensitive taste buds, the deal breaker could be your musty sperm. Seriously. Eating lots of processed foods high in sodium tends to pervert the taste of seminal fluid. On the other hand, men who have had a vasectomy usually have very mild-flavored (sperm free, of course) ejaculate. So do men who drink pineapple juice or those who are strict vegetarians. My counsel to you is to have a very frank discussion with any potential relationship candidate about this, before either one of you gets offended by one another. On the other hand, if that's the end-all deal breaker for you in a relationship, well...then your heart might be broken a few times. BBBJTCIM seems to be an acquired taste!

Good luck with the negotiating...sounds like fun!

Love Goddess

-- Modified on 5/18/2006 8:34:48 PM

Thank you Godess.  I had not even gotten her to taste it yet, so thats not the issue.   I recently told her I did not want to continue the relationship.  I did not want to giver her this reason, because I did not want to force the issue.  Apparently she has, never in her life done it.  She pressed me, and I finally told her why.  She could not believe I would leave her for that.  I feel very strongly about this issue.  She agreed to at least try it.  She did and said that the taste was not a problem.  She did not say if she would continue to do this.  I assume she will.  I told her I need to deposit my load either in her vagina, or in her mouth, to feel complete.

Karrie22779 reads

Turns a spitter into a swallower every time.

Well ok most of the time anyways. Things that make your cock and cum taste bad.

1. Smoking
2. Coffee
3. Asparagus
4. Being a vegan
5. Medication (almost every antibiotic hart med or diabetic medication) ((Also remember any medication you are on and she swallows she has now consumed it and it may cause an adverse reaction such she may be allergic to it, as I know first hand after having to make a trip to the doctor after my throat swelled up from a certain heart medication my partner was on))
6. Lots of salty food

Things that make cock and cum taste good:
1. Pineapple juice is the quickest fix
2. Acidic fruits and strawberries and blueberries also work.
3. Champaine (Champaign cum with someone who also drank pineapple juice yes  I have had it is mimosa.
4. Also drink lots of water

This is not scientific tested just personally tested.

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