
At least 80-90% fake!
Jmaps 117 Reviews 1078 reads

Provider review site Erotic Monkey has become 80-90%+ fake! Why do I say that?  

Here are the multiple reasons I say that: 1) over the last 10-12 years as the site has lost traffic, more and more reviews sound the same and seem to be written by the same people/persons, the same phrases used over and over.  2) in that time TER has also lost traffic but the reviews on TER are different, they don't have the same phrases used over and over again.  3) reviews of providers who have retired continue on that site.  4) as the amount of reviews for the industry have fallen over the years the reviews their have become more inconsistent, odd, off aka fake.  5) trans providers known to be strict tops, confirmed by multiple other reviews, suddenly bottom? 6) Foxy Angel and other strict top girls now bottom all the time on that site.  7) the reviews are all the same length, same general format.  8) not many bad or even average reviews, mainly great 5 star reviews.  9) while reviews are down overall across the industry, they continue to have the same amount of reviews.  

Conclusion; Based on the above mentioned points; I'm led to believe Erotic Monkey can no longer be considered legit. They may have a few legit reviews but the vast majority, at least for trans providers are obvious fakes. TER also has fake reviews, they're often easy to spot. But the industry has changed, there used to be several places to get good info and reviews on providers. TER seems to be among the last if not the last legit place to find them. In NO way am I claiming TER is without it's own problems, I've complained and posted about them.  

How can that site post the same amount of reviews as they've fallen off everywhere else? How can that site primarily have good reviews, hardly any average or negative reviews? How can strict top trans providers suddenly bottom all the time on that site? How can providers who seem to have retired by every other viewpoint still be working to generate reviews only there? Why do the reviews on that site have the same overall length, format, phrases and overall writing style? That's becasue 80-90% or more of the trans reviews on that site are obviously fake.

KSChicago20 reads

Thanks for pointing this out.  I pretty much stick to TER.  Based on your posts and others I've learned to take everything with at least a grain of salt.  

Odd thought - perhaps the fake reviews will get "better" with AI.  I guess that's a scary thought.

I appreciate all your contributions.

I've read quite a few reviews here that didn't match my experience.

Unlike the rest of you I don't look like Brad Pitt, nor do I have a desireable body so I may not be getting optimum service.

I did mention too two providers my experience didn't match some TER reviews. They asked to see their reviews, both said the reviews I showed them read more like a fantasy experience then reality. One review said the provider, topped, then bottomed, then topped again. The provider said they'd never done that, and infact would do one or the other but not both, or even all three.

You bring up good points I think everyone should understand: 1) in an industry such as this "hobby" I'm sure looks come into play more than we'd like to think. I'm guessing half, or less, of us are like Brad Pitt and in great shape. So we need try and be nice, fair and easy going with providers. 2) becasue of that many providers will often do more with someone they find more attractive and or in shape. Or someone they feel is a nice guy also someone they've previously been with, tips often work well. 3) I'm sure most reviews are embellished a bit even here on TER. Some reviews read plain and simple and just recount the things that happened, others are more like a porn novel, after all; these are fantasy situations.  

I still feel most reviews here are the most accurate even with the fantasy and embellishment included. It's also the reason every girl is 9" - 10" when in reality they're probably 7" to 8".

One thing TER does very well is they are 100% strict on a girl having an active ad. So once a girl leaves town, no new reviews are possible. If a website is a problem, they ban that website. So I can't even leave a review on a girl a few days after she's gone. That's how I know.

This really cuts down on some spam, and I can see a reviewer's review history and see real quick if they see different agencies or are just shilling for the same one. Haven't had any issue, most reviews are clearly real by people who saw the girl and can accurately describe her.

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