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STD information
Board Admin 37861 reads

Below are links to excellent articles on cunnilingus and STDs:

Coalition for Positive Sexuality:

In addition, here is a link to the Sexually Transmitted Disease Forum, hosted by Med Help International:

Here is a specific thread in the STD Forum on cunnilingus and STD risks:

I found this link useful.  you can find more like it by doing a google search for "STD risk chart"

-- Modified on 10/27/2010 10:01:39 PM

I have been seeing a woman for about 6 months who engages in unprotected oral sex with many different male partners. I found out she has heavy metal blood toxicity and experiences flu type symptoms. what std medical problems may she have due to engaging in sexual behavior like this

Not sure I fully agree with the first article.  It's not scientific nor is it based on statistics.  It's an opinion and I'm not sure it's peer reviewed.

It states that HIV from fellatio is high risk.  This is not true.  It has not been shown that HIV is transmitted this way.

That's only one example.  I would stick with medhelp and CDC but not the first website

For the simple fact that HIV is present in bodily fluids such as blood, ejaculate, or vaginal fluids. However, you are right I think that high risk STDs are labeled as so not because of how easy it is to transmit but how many reported cases there are simply due to the fact that people are not educated about how STDs are spread and they are not protecting themselves. It only takes a swap of fluid and an enteral route such as eyes or open skin for any infection to be transmitted.

I use this information on the site below as a reference to STD's (STI for infections). They have a section listing all known STI's, and I especially love the section about "Myths and Facts". As an ASP and for my own safety, I have to consider the fact that there are people out there who aren't aware of the risks out there or are lead to believe that the risks are much lower than they actually are. Either way I keep myself up to date with this information and ensure that my clients are aware as well if they are showing signs of not knowing the risks. (eg. If it looks clean and has no visible sores and you're a nice person then you must be clean... NO!) Especially if they are married. If you catch something from a service provider who performs uncovered services to multiple men, chances are you may bring whatever she gave you to your spouse and that's the easiest way for them to discover what you're doing behind their back. I'm not judging in any way shape or form. I'm just encouraging everyone to play safe and have fun!

98A9782726 reads

I knew one can catch cold sore from kissing and most of people in the world have it, but it never really hit me. I guess I was able to avoid thinking about it. I get tested every couple of months to stay safe so I know I am completely clean (no HIV, no Herpes of any type, or anything else). I would like to keep it that way. I know there's always a risk if I continue this hobby. I don't want to stop, but I want to reduce my risk as much as possible. I would like to see providers who get themselves tested on a regularly basis. I am not sure how to find that out. I don't think it's ever advertised and I don't think I'll get a answer if I ask (before the appointment). How do one find out the answer before the appointment? Any suggestions?

GaGambler636 reads

If you wanted to ask this question, why didn't you simply start a new thread on the subject as your question is only loosely related to the OP to which you have tagged onto?

I don't want to go on yet another "I HATE New TER" rant, but as others have suggested, including the host of this board, at a certain point can't we PLEASE lock these threads? I am sure I am not alone in not wanting to constantly be having ancient threads where most of the original participants aren't even here anymore constantly being shoved onto the first page.

As for your actual question, I would be encouraging the practice of dredging up old threads if I were to actually address it. My only suggestion it to create a new thread on the subject and I am sure you will get a lot of advice, some helpful others not so much

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